Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Those Glaring Eyes ..

Muffling in pain with the fresh wound and being helped towards the OPD section of the hospital, I managed to be awake yet semi-conscious of the surroundings. The ward boy helped me to sit on the bed holding me by my upper arm and waist; I was too much in pain to protest about him holding me in places I would not want to. He comes back again and hands me over my belongings which had been collected safely by my savior and also brought with me to the hospital.
While I waited for the doctor to investigate my wounds, the ward boy waits there gazing at me from time to time. It became very unpleasant in the next few minutes when I realized he wasn’t really keeping a check on me but in addition he was looking through my torn dress which was also a prey of the accident. He was soon forced to take his eyes off me when I planted a stern face upon him making him aware that I am not in that bad condition to not take care of myself (although I knew deep inside my heart how I dragged myself right from the start of the accident) .
The doctor came and I was treated with the most painful of ointments and injections, they put me quickly to sleep for the rest of the afternoon without any thoughts circling my mind nor felt any pain either. I slept like I did not move a muscle.
When I woke up sometime in the evening, I found myself covered with the blanket neatly and a saline channel ran through me. The neatness did not impress me; rather I was horrified by the thought if the ward boy has chanced to act nasty while I was asleep. Of course, I was too traumatized previously by his actions that it did not strike upon me that there would be separate personnel specifically nurses or aya s for such work. Still engrossed in the trance, I now started thinking how to head home where at least I can feel safe; when the nurse came and told me I had visitors, I was surprised since nobody by now was aware that I met with an accident and especially my parents who lived in a different city were not to be told to avoid panic. Some of my friends entered the room and I learnt from my savior that she informed them searching their contacts from my phone. By now, I was indebted to her for so many obligations in such a short span of time being a stranger.
After a short conversation with them, I was informed that I will be discharged and my happiness knew no bounds. I almost jumped with joy and tried to get off the hospital bed when the ward boy came with a wheel chair to transport me to my friend’s car. I looked into his eyes and it shone outrageously and I knew he would repeat his offense once again. A cold shiver ran down my spine but then I did not want anyone else to fall prey to his deed, so I decided to defy.
Coincidentally, the friends who came to take me home were either making the payment at the counters or getting the car to the nearest exit and none were nearby while I was being transported. As expected while helping me settle on the wheel chair, he caught my arm and waist and even touched me at different places pretending to be by mistake. I had to hold back my patience meter a little longer to end it once in for all and waited until we reached till the reception area humming with people. As soon as we reached the exit, the ward boy, I am sure thought in his mind “the last time for this woman” was over-confident this time and tightened his grip. What he didn’t know was my plan and as soon as he acted smart, I landed a convinced tight slap on his face loud enough to draw complete attention with complete silence around. He was smart enough to react and ask me what was his fault and I told him “I was a patient here yet I could not hold enough patience to bear your duty concealed illegitimate actions”. It was loud and clear enough for hospital authorities to inquire the issue and I learnt he was immediately fired.
                    “You need to raise a voice to make a change or else bear with it silently


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Lonely in a crowd

Standing lonely in the crowd of a thousand souls, the feeling of being lost with no one trying to find you and no one standing by to ask haunts me in my nightmares every night. It was an unknown place, the sight of a village fair with hustling bustling crowd, yet no one watched my weary eyes or my anxious face.
I remember the giant wheel, really giant enough - sat in the center of the fair with sparking lights shimmering away the whole area. And the people sitting in the ride are screaming out aloud, not sure whether of excitement or out of fear. Watching the whole sight and engrossed in studying the people and their emotions the grip of my hand loosened, I didn’t realize and didn’t bother too. After getting over the scene for a good amount of spell I looked back to find Mother but the crowd concealed the space behind me like fog masking up roads on a cold foggy winter morning.
I froze, now realizing I have lost contact. Drops of nervousness started gathering on my forehead. Connection with protective circle that existed around me …
I step hesitantly towards the crowd trying to make an effort to find her although fearing to get more lost and the fear came true when I amalgamated in the sea of people .. I was pushed, dragged to either sides with the constant movement in different directions and shoved in a way that I tumbled upon the dust tasting some too.. Somehow managing to collect my posture and trying to pull myself up in an act of struggle for existence, I fell again with a hard knock and in a moment felt like a victim of stampede when I covered my eyes so as not to visualize the event…

I opened my eyes to wake up in reality all dreaded in perspiration and recalling the Dream…

Monday, January 13, 2014

Time Machine er Quick Ride

শীতের দুপুরে যেমন গাছের ডালপালার ফাঁক  ফোকর থেকে উঁকি মারে এক মুঠো রোদ্দুর ,

মনের এক কোণে লুকিয়ে থাকা অনেক আকাঙ্ক্ষার মধ্যে সবচেয়ে প্রিয় টি হতাঠ উঁকি মারে প্রতিদিনের নিয়মিত রুটিনের ফাঁকে ।

একটু অন্যমনস্ক হয়ে চলে যাই সেই ছোটবেলার  দিন্গুলয় ।
শীতকালের ছুটিতে  দুপুরবেলায় বারান্দায় বসে একসাথে ভাত খাওয়া - আমি, মা আর দিদি , খাওয়ার পর কমলালেবু  কম্পেতিসন - কে কতরকম ভাবে লেবুটিকে খেতে পারে :) ... তারপর ভাত ঘুম। বিকালে উঠে খেলতে যাবার উত্তেজনা , মা সোয়েটার পড়িয়ে দিলে এক ছুটে আড্ডায় পৌঁছানো , সন্ধ্যে গড়িয়ে রাত হতে চল্লেও ঘরে না ফেরা মা না ডাকা অবধি ।তারপর পড়ার যুদ্ধ কিন্তু অপেক্ষায় দশটা  বাজার আর TV চালানোর .. আহা কি আনন্দ  ই না ছিল সেই সময়ে , হয়তো টাকা পয়সা সূযোগ সুবিধা অনেক কম ছিল তখন , কিন্তু মানসিক শান্তি অনেক ছিল ।

এক পলকে পৌছে যাওয়া time machine এ চেপে , আর ফেরত আসাটা  light এর থেকেও ফাস্ট। .... টিং। .টিং। .. টিং.. টিং..টিং... বেজেই চল্লো,  আমার ধ্যান ভঙ্গ করেই থামলো । না  , ফোন  নয় , office communicator । এক সাথে সবার জিগ্গাস্স  এসে,  এত বছরের সময়ের journey বিদ্যুত গতিতে পাড়  করিয়ে দিল ।
